How to Think Like A Fusionist

12 Paradigms & Methods to help make sense of our hypercomplex world.

Welcome, curious mind!

If you want to be more thoughtful about your daily digital activity, intentional about the direction of your career or business, and better navigate our hypercomplex world, then you're in the right place.

Here, you will find a more detailed description of the point of view I am crafting and the approach behind the insights and perspectives I share in The Fusionist.

By the way, I did not coin the term “Fusionist.” It is inspired by Asta Roseway, Microsoft's Principal Research Designer, who presents being a fusionist as the skill of “combining art, technology, and business through design.” I’ve written about how this approach might just be the beacon of hope for professional generalists and multipotentialites, especially in digital product engineering.

Being a fusionist is not a particular career or discipline but a way of approaching how disparate things might fuse together to inform a unique experience, value, or innovation. It is the combinatory act and skillset of seeing beyond how things are “supposed to work” and gaining a perspective others don’t, then enlightening them with newfound value.

This is my Fusionist journey to discover a higher-level perspective by specializing in this type of combinatory alchemy.

Behind the insights in The Fusionist Newsletter is a knowledge base I’ve summarized into 12 paradigms and methods that guide my research. I welcome you to learn more about The Fusionist, my mission for it, and the thinking behind every publication.

What you'll find here.

Newsletter Description

The Fusionist Newsletter is a monthly publication featuring a contextual point of view, insightful professional tips, and often a deep dive article on how to build perspective around the most significant topics, technologies, and innovations impacting people and places today. Here's what I mean by those three things...

  • Technology: Largely focused on digital products, but hardware advances have a real but often invisible impact.

  • People: individual humans and groups of humans

  • Places: digital and physical neighborhoods, environments, and other places we interact.

As our communities shape-shift, learning the techniques and ways of thinking to be vigilant, protect yourself, and even leverage the system to your benefit is more important than ever. Figuring those things out is a personal passion that aligns with my expertise and my primary motivator for writing The Fusionist

The Art

I produce the art in The Fusionist. It is co-designed with generative AI, where I control the parameters, prompts, and inputs/outputs to co-imagine complex concepts. I fell in love with Midjourney when it was released to the public, and I never looked back. Coming from a parametric design background, where you design a system that models your 3D shapes, this does the same, but for my bigger imagination!

I like to explore complex ideas and find it cathartic to express them through generative imagineering, to steal a beautiful term from Disney. It is an iterative process feeding back and forth between writing, imagineering, and crafting a perspective that gets me a little closer to seeing the whole picture.

Most of the art I share in the newsletter is available for print in my interior decor store, Space Therapy. Subscribers get 10% off with code The Fusionist.

The Mission

Being human no longer just means being a physical species. We all live dual lives with a physical and digital presence. The human condition has evolved into a techno-sapien condition, where our survival is increasingly dependent on digital technology. Navigating the combined digital and physical world so as not to get swept away by the current is difficult and requires new mental tools to be vigilant and intentional.

I am on a unique sense-making mission to discover strategic perspectives in our hypercomplex world, better navigate this techno-sapien condition, and share them with others. The Fusionist looks deeper at the systemic and conceptual underpinnings of how things and people operate, uncovering overlooked perspectives. Gaining this unique perspective in today's marketplace, as both a professional and a business, is a game-changer, requiring a clear understanding of global systems and how things interact at various scales.

My Point of View

I don't want to rush the latest story to you or give you an exclusive scope. I want to help you understand that story better by contextualizing it. Two primary motivations drive The Fusionist.

  1. We need new mental tools to better navigate our techno-sapien environment. We have an overwhelming and consumerist relationship with today's digital media feed. It's a trickling firehose of massive information delivered one drop at a time. The Fusionist is dedicated to helping provide context to have an informed perspective. I synthesize the signals among the noise, providing you with the insights that matter most and how they will ripple across the areas most affected by the changes.

  2. A Systemic Perspective will be the next catalyst for innovation. Data is not the new gold because data is now ubiquitous and available. Insights and individual reports with expert strategic insights are quickly becoming just as democratized as A.I., which provides a more accessible synthesis of the ubiquitous data available. As a Fusionist, we can approach these new tools with novel methods to gather more context and present a unique systemic perspective of the most likely impact of technology innovations across all human activity.

The Fusionist Paradigms

Here is the founding knowledge base and paradigms behind being a Fusionist that also drives the insights around complex ideas, topics, and methods shared in The Fusionist newsletter. These include principles of systems thinking, strategic foresight, and interdisciplinary research, all aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of our complex world.

Leveraging these techniques is intended to analyze the interconnected effect of events across disciplines, markets, and industries by focusing on their common intersections. By analyzing typical human behavior, place-making techniques, and systems mechanics, we can explore the root drivers of any system and, therefore, frame scenarios for how changes in those systems may ripple across others. The value for you is a simplified understanding of how large systems impact you and how you can take back some control from their influence.

Here are the 12 foundational methods and paradigms that form the insights provided in my work and The Fusionist. Each paradigm has a simplified summary with just enough info for anyone to grasp where my insights come from.

Ripple Detection (exclusive methodology to The Fusionist)

A two-part method of synthesizing available data, current events, and historical precedent to determine the rippling effect across all domains of human life. Given the predicted changes, it offers strategic insight and actions to consider for a person, professional, and business to best position themselves for success. It leverages the S.H.A.P.E. Map and C.O.R.E. Compass frameworks to gather, synthesize, and present information comprehensively, digestibly, and compellingly.

System Thinking

A holistic analysis approach focuses on how a system's constituent parts interrelate and how systems work over time and within the context of larger systems. It extends thinking beyond individual components to understand how the whole system functions.

Complexity Theory

A study of complex, non-linear systems and how order and patterns arise from seemingly chaotic interactions between system components. It examines phenomena like emergence, self-organization, and adaptivity in various fields.

Cultural Ecology

A theoretical approach in anthropology that examines the relationship between a cultural group and its natural environment and how that relationship influences the culture's economy, social organization, and beliefs. It looks at how cultures adapt to their environments.

Design Thinking

An iterative problem-solving process involves deeply understanding the user, challenging assumptions, redefining problems, and creating innovative solutions. It combines creative and analytical methods and emphasizes user-centered and human-centered design.

Product Mindset

A way of thinking that focuses on creating valuable products or services that solve real user needs and problems. It involves understanding users, rapid prototyping, continuous improvement, and measuring success based on product performance and impact.

Conceptual Synthesis

While the specifics may vary, conceptual synthesis generally refers to analyzing, integrating, and synthesizing the fundamental concepts, attributes, and relationships underlying a phenomenon, system, or body of knowledge from diverse sources. It allows for a deeper conceptual understanding and the development of new models, theories, or frameworks.

Anthropocene Thinking

A paradigm that recognizes the profound and irreversible human impact on Earth's systems. It takes an interdisciplinary, systems-based approach that considers expanded temporal/spatial scales, ethical dimensions, and the need for transdisciplinary collaboration.

Ecological Urbanism

An urban design approach that considers cities as part of the larger ecosystem and natural environments. It aims to create sustainable urban environments by integrating ecological processes into urban planning and design.

Computational Thinking

A systematic problem-solving approach involves breaking down problems, recognizing patterns, abstracting concepts, and designing algorithmic solutions with applications across various disciplines and everyday life.

Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO)

A philosophical approach that views all objects (including non-physical ones like ideas) as equally accurate and mutually interacting, rejecting the privileging of human existence over non-human objects.


The act of increasing the economic, social, political, cultural, and technological integration and interdependence of nations worldwide is a multidimensional phenomenon shaping human interactions and motivations.

One Last Thing…

The modern world is complex and ever-changing, but you can turn challenges into opportunities with the right perspective. The Fusionist Newsletter provides insights, tools, and strategies to curate a contextualized perspective. By focusing on the intersection of technology, human behavior, and place-making, I provide a unique viewpoint that helps you make sense of the chaos. Learn to navigate your digital life, career, and business with intentionality and foresight. Join the community of curious minds and embark on a journey to discover the combinatory alchemy that drives innovation and value in today's world.

Be a Fusionist and think beyond the feed.


or to participate.